Our Projects
San Carlos Marina Seawall & Dock Replacement
New Seawall & Dock Replacement project with up-to-date ADA access ramp and floating docks in South Western Florida.The San Carlos RV Resort & Marina is in sunny Southwest Florida just minutes from the famous downtown Fort Myers Beach Pier. Blot Engineering (BEI) worked closely with the Owners over a 3-year period to help engineer a transformation of the Resort to provide luxury RV and boat accommodations. The original Resort had meandering rip rap seawalls that created inefficient use of the marina canals. BEI engineered a flat vinyl-face seawall system that was able to square-up the marina canals providing for safer boating navigation in addition to maximizing the RV pad sites along the seawalls. Another challenge of the original Resort was the fixed wood boat docks that were extremely cumbersome to guests due to tidal fluctuations. BEI engineered a floating dock system for all 3 marinas around the Resort that maintains a uniform dock height for boats to tie-off throughout varying tides. In addition, the new dock system allows for mooring of boats nearly twice the size as the original docks – further accommodating the guests of this high-end luxury RV Resort and Marina.
Project type:
Seawalls and Docks
Fort Myers Beach
Floating Docks